
Based out of Sydney, Australia, 365breaths is a 365 project from yet another Hipstamatic fangirl. This is my expression of passion, where I endeavour to see and convey the same, familiar, everyday world through a different set of eyes. It is a collection of photographs of every day life, activities of every day people, the routine and mundane paths we walk each day, forgotten places, the ageing beauty of a metropolis, and the simple fleeting moments we take for granted while we speed through life.

But most importantly, this is my personal distraction from reality.

I aim to publish a photo-a-day but I will miss the occasional one due to lack of inspiration. In the right-hand column of this (and every) page there’s an email subscription service you can sign up for if you’d like every new post to be delivered to your inbox.


Disclaimer: This blog is not affiliated or associated with the Hipstamatic App. This is just a fan site.